A Bunch of Hacks
Based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Release date:
12 October 2020
Windows / MacOS / Linux
Regular Price:
Free |
Epicinium is a strategy game where nature is a finite resource. Is it worth winning a war when you end up conquering nothing but dirt and ash? Thanks to fast, simultaneous turns, you don't waste time waiting for your move. Your economy and troops are influenced by the environment and increasingly severe weather effects. Players balance firepower and preservation of resources, as the victor is scored for how much nature remains when the dust settles. Epicinium is handcrafted to bring you a fresh strategic experience.
After working on the engine of an unrelated game for a couple of months, Daan and Sander decided to shift focus and create a turn-based strategy game in 2018. Within three months the game featured basic combat, a scoring system and online multiplayer. Since then, we have been working on fine-tuning the gameplay, adding sound effects and music, expanding the AI and multiplayer functionalities and crafting the user interface. On top of it all, we founded our own studio: worker cooperative A Bunch of Hacks. Since then, we teamed up with visual designer Masha, who is giving the graphics an overhaul, and audio progammer Can Ur, who is adding background music and additional sound effects.
- Multiplayer battles with up to 8 players in free-for-all
- Versus-AI skirmish matches, featuring several AIs with different strategies
- Ranked and unranked matchmaking modes
- An easy-to-use map editor
- Well-balanced selection of buildings and units to produce, each with their carefully crafted part to play
- Global warming system, inducing a multitude of different weather effects adding to gameplay depth and variety
- A variety of maps, each with their own character, layout and intended playstyle
Trailer (2020) YouTube
Logo & Icon
Selected Articles
- "I had a ton of fun, albeit tearing up the world. I've played ‘one-more-turn’ games all my life. Epicinium is different because I have to keep playing until the end — which means I have to play all the turns."
- Harley, BigBossBattle - "It's an interesting take on the genre. It keeps you on your toes. Quite unique."
- Liam Dawe, GamingOnLinux - "You will understand: Epicinium incites you to destroy, trample, bombard, poison, in short annihilate your neighbors, while paying attention to the little flowers. And it works very well."
- Tchey, JeuxOnLine
Monetization Permission
A Bunch of Hacks allows for the contents of Epicinium to be published through video broadcasting services for any commercial or non-commercial purposes. Monetization of videos created containing assets from Epicinium, including music recorded in-game, is legally & explicitly allowed by A Bunch of Hacks. Epicinium is not intended for children under the age of 13. This permission can be found in writing at https://abunchofhacks.coop/press/sheet.php?p=epicinium.
Additional Links
Epicinium on Discord
Join our community at discord.gg.
Epicinium on Twitter
Tweet with us at twitter.com.
Epicinium on Instagram
Check us out at instagram.com.
Original theme
Listen at youtube.com.
About A Bunch of Hacks
In mid-2018, Daan Mulder and Sander in 't Veld became A Bunch of Hacks in order to pursue independent game development. A Bunch of Hacks is a worker cooperative based in Amsterdam.
More information
More information on A Bunch of Hacks, our logo & relevant media are available here.
Epicinium Credits
Sander in 't Veld
Game design, programming, sprites
Daan Mulder
Game design, programming, audio
Masha Loutanina
Visual design, sprites
Can Ur
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks